February 8, 2010

Way off topic for this blog but...

...Playgirl magazine is about to return to printed form again, thanks to Sarah Palin's daughter's baby-daddy, Levi Johnston. Now, I don't care if you like Levi. Or if you're a Republican or a Democrat and I don't care whether you like Sarah Palin or not---so save your letters everybody---Because I don't need any lecturing on politics. As someone who has lived in the DC Metro area my entire life, (through the Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama years) I can tell you 99.9% of all politicians that work in this town from both your state and mine (both Dems and Repubs) have been up to some kind of shit/crime/murder/scandal/money under the table/more shit behind closed doors that screwed us all over--many, many times. And they still are. I don't trust anybody in politics--in my mind they're all pretty bad, they all say stupid things and flip-flop, and say what they know you want to hear but, then don't keep their promises to you. Unfortunately, that's how the game is played. But probably in your area, your national new focuses on politics and your local news is about your local news. Here, the national news is about politics and the local news is about more politics. And when we're not watching politics here, I can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone talking about politics. Welcome to DC. It can be too much at times. Because in the nice place where you live, the people are nice when they meet you and ask what you like to do for fun. But here, the first thing they ask you after you say your name is "what do you do?" Meaning, they want to know if you work for the Government or not, or if you have a real job, and then either way, they want to find out what side of the political spectrum you swing towards. But I'm getting off topic... Back to Playgirl. It's coming back because God works in very mysterious ways and decided to bring Playgirl nude centerfolds back to the world through this crazy hot mess political family situation...and I love it. What's up with all the Republican skin over this past year? Whether it's Scott Brown and his Cosmo spread, or beauty "scream" Carrie Prejean's nude photo scandal, or Levi in Playgirl. Got to admit, the Republican side always delivers the naked goods. And now it brings Playgirl back to the magazine racks too for all the gays. Funny how life works. But it makes me smile. Oh, and I feel kinda sympathetic to dumb ol' Levi. Like many dumb straight guys he was just thinking with the wrong head, got his girl knocked up, and is dealing with a nasty custody battle with the Palins. He has a GED from High school and I can't blame him for doing the photo spread for Playgirl---it's going to take a lot of money to win custody of his child against the million dollar lawyer I'm sure the Palins have hired. So good luck to him on that. And he seems ok with the gays. True, he's not a huge ally but he's not running around bashing us either. Kathy Griffin I'm sure made it clear to him who really buys Playgirl. So, he's been pretty nice to the gays he meets, I hear. And doesn't mind the attention from them, or posing for pictures with them, or making an appearance at the gay bar or two. So, good luck to him with his future custody battle. Now, I wonder who the next political sex scandal will come from? Hmmm....


witomski said...

The unfortunate part is that the million dollar lawyers will have a field-day with this spread to justify how misguided he is and not fit for custody.....pity. BTW, I just love your description about swinging a dead cat.

Avenjer said...

You're right about that. The lawters will try to use it against him. Though I've seen more scandalous "Calvin Klein" and "Abercrombe & Fitch" ads that showed more skin. So, I would think his lawyers will try to show that posing isn't a crime. Plus, plenty of men and women have posed for tasteful nudes over the years who have children and went on to stable careers and home life. But we'll see if he can win or not. Thanks for reading :)