I have fond memories of the original movie. Which is now considered cheesy. I don't know why? Yes, it used stop motion for most of the special effects (all 3 original Stars Wars films did too but, nobody says crap about them.) And yes it's
a little dated but, it still holds up. Which is why they've spent millions and made a new 3D remake. But what the original movie had over this new one, were big A-list multiple award winning and nominated stars...Sir Laurence Olivier as Zeus, Dame Maggie Smith as the
villainess Thetis, Burgess Meredith (of Twilight Zone and Penguin of Batman fame), the original James Bond girl Ursula
Andress as Aphrodite, Claire Bloom (from one of my favorite movies "the Haunting") as Hera, and a young bare chested Harry Hamlin as Perseus. I haven't seen the new movie yet, but I plan to this week. They've seemed to have made sure the lead actor from Avatar keeps his shirt on through out the movie but, his skirt still blows up so I guess that is the trade off. Did anyone see the new 3D remake this weekend? Did you like it? Without spoiling the movie or it's details for the rest of us, leave a comment if it's a hit or a miss. In the
meantime, let's enjoy some Clashing titans and
greek Adonises.
UPDATE: Whoops I'm still seeing online info that says the movie opens on March 26th yet it doesn't open nation wide until April 1st. Oh internet, how you vex me.