November 17, 2009

Whistle while you work

My once neat apartment has turned into a scene from Grey Gardens. The only thing missing would be Jessica Lange and some raccoons living under the sofa. I wouldn't mind having forest animals---if they were the Disney kind, and did my laundry for me. But they probably wouldn't be. So, that means I get to do it myself. Yay me! And there's a lot of it since I've been putting it off. So, now it's a race to wash it, before I run out of clothes to wear. So blogging may be all over the place because I need to get things under control in my apartment. And the holidays are coming soon which means friends dropping by on the weekend--all the more reason to get things put back together now.

1 comment:

Dene said...

The guy in the first and last pic and fluff 'n' fold me ANYTIME-!!! LOL