October 13, 2009


If "Barnes & Noble's" book aisles looked more like this---maybe I'd do more reading. Seriously though, have you ever seen their "Gay and Lesbian Studies" section? Borrrrrring. Not to mention it's only two shelves. What's up with that?! Meanwhile, take a quick browse through the 2 to 3 grocery store length aisles they devote to "Romance." Or as it's more commonly known "Porn for Straight Women." The covers are similar except the men usually keep their pants on. I tried reading a few straight "Romance" novels during college, to see what all the fuss was about. And I still can't figure them out. Yes, I know it's supposed to be so romantic (I was hoping to get some tips to use from reading them) but really, there isn't anything romantic in them. It's just that anything done by a fantasy hunk in one of these straight novels, automatically becomes romantic because he's soooo dreamy. He pays for dinner (ooh, he's sooo romantic) he rips apart her brand new dress so he can bang her (ooh, he's sooo romantic) he spits on her and punches her in the face (ooh, he's sooo romantic) then takes all her money and cheats on her. Yet, whenever Oprah or Ricky Lake devoted an episode to a guy who expects sex after paying for dinner, abuses her and steals her money so he can start a new affair with another woman----suddenly it's not romantic and all men are dogs! And the show is always titled something like "Men should be killed at birth."---OPRAH: "Today, on Oprah were talking about why men are pigs, and why women are perfect. Should we continue to allow men to breathe? Exactly why are men so horrible? And later on I'll continue my segment "remembering your spirit" but first--horrible horrible death to men. And my new book club selection "Waiting to Exhale." Ooooh girlfriend! We love it don't we? Right? Right? (perky hags in the audience nod like squirels) Right? And later joining us will be the one and only Joooohhhn TraaaVOLTAAAA!!"----Ugh-----No wonder so many straight men are completely lost. Thankfully, I'm still gay :)

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