Just a tip from me to you...be careful out there. For some reason people, tend to contact me, and usually they're nice, and just wanted to say hello and how much they like my art, etc. And then there are others, who are maybe lonely or because of the fantasy of my art want to create a fantasy situation of their own. By creating a fantasy situation about themselves, to seem more interesting to me. Sort of like "acting" a part or playing "make believe." They pretend to be something that their not and try to drag me into their fantasy. "Hi, I'm a handsome millionaire and I love your art, and I want to meet you" etc, etc, etc. Do I talk to them? Sure. But do I just take what they say at face value? NO. Sometimes, there are pictures to go with their fantasy, and sometimes not. But I guess I've had this happen too many times, which is why I'm always skeptical and running around like some kind of Nancy Drew-Jessica Fletcher-Hercule Poirot-Miss Marple looking for evidence, clues and finding holes in their stories and elaborate fantasies. So, if you plan to contact me and not be real, get your story and your shit together, because I'll be checking on it all. And if you're just a normal person with no fantasy agenda, you're always welcome to say hello. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has dealt with this before. Or the last. So again, be careful out there with whom you think you are talking to. Remember what your mom used to say about talking to strangers. Because on the Internet, that's what most people are. Some are the good kind and some are the bad. And you should know the difference. Avenjer :)