Hey peeps, long time no blog!
I've been swamped lately at work and home with not much time for anything else. No social life even---my friends are pissed. Why? Because if I'm not doing overtime for work then I've been creating new non-hero pieces for this upcoming show. Which is almost here. It's been more prep work into this show than I thought there would be (with final touches still to do) but I'm hoping it will all be worth it.

Either way it's been a great learning experience and has pushed me to be more creative in my artwork. I'm not sure if ANY of my hero pieces will go in the show or not but, I did some tweaking to the old ones by adding splashes of color in hopes to make them more interesting, if I do. Have a look yourself and see what you think.

I'm looking forward to everything being done soon, and then just enjoying the show itself and then getting back hero art, friends and enjoying the summer while I can. :)
Thanks everybody!