The Fan Art of Mr. Avenjer...Plus rants, superheroes, other art, some humor and...oh yeah eye candy!
Fan Art and Fan Fiction by Avenjer. Characters are all copyright owned by their respective Companies (except for my characters which are my intellectual property/copyrighted to me) no copyright infringement is intended. If you are an owner, artist, photographer or subject of any of these images and don't want them displayed on this blog contact me and I'll remove them immediately.
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Yeah it did! God, this guy really needs to hook up with a real photographer and get some professional pics done. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the homemade shots, but would love to see him in more "clean" slick shots.
I agree. You can see how great he looks in the awful bad homemade shots so, you know in high quality professional photos he'd be amazing. And in real life he must be stunningly handsome and hypnotizing close up.
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