November 14, 2012

Check out: the Cheetah, in the current storyline of the Justice League...

...I am loving this new reboot of the Cheetah. She is way more powerful and kicking the entire league's ass all by HERSELF?!?!?!... the new reboot she's a Smithsonian Artifact examiner who is accidentally pricked by an ancient cursed dagger, releasing an evil cat-goddess who then possesses her body, turning her into the Cheetah. As is, a cheetah is the fastest mammal on the planet, but a superhuman Cheetah is now fast enough to give the Flash trouble. And she's strong. And she has off the chart stealth/stalking abilities that allow her to not be heard by Cyborg or Superman's super hearing. Allowing her to sneak up on the league undetected where she makes short work of them...

...Not to mention that since her powers are ancient mystic/magical based (next to kryptonite, the only other weakness Superman has no defense against) she make short work of him too...

...I luv it! And I'm really digging the bromance between Batman and Aquaman...

 ...These two at first seem like an odd pairing but really, they work very well together. Both are smart leaders. People forget that Aquaman has been a King in Atlantis---basically both a politician and a military general, he's a strategist, a warrior, a husband, etc. Who was raised on land but discovered his heritage in water. And on land the same swimming muscles and his pressurized body; makes him incredibly strong and practically bullet proof. And he and Batman actually approach problems in semi-different ways to come to the same solution but they "get" what the other is thinking. It's a very balanced pairing and they seem to have a respect there for each other. And compliment the areas the other lacks--Batman with gadgets and detection; Aquaman with the muscle and maybe a bit more kindness towards others which let's people be open with him. I like it.

1 comment:

Gene said...

I LOVED this storyline, new 52 Cheetah is amazing!