May 18, 2011

Soooo...NBC passed on the Wonder Woman pilot...

...thank the Lord! This thing was a mess from the get go. Let's recap...she had 3 different alter egos!? What?!Living in L.A.? Why? A company executive?! Say whaaat?! With 3 boyfriends, some college guys living in her basement who do computer hacking for her?!? Huh?!?! With an (OMG) all girl slumber party with her friends scene in the script...GRRRRR!!! And a plot that sounded all too much like the Halle Berry Catwoman movie. Not to mention the wrinkly shiny outfit. It's like they never read a single issue of the comic, watched the original show or even bothered with just a simple friggin google search for some basic info about who this character is. Just awful. It would be like if someone said "hey, let's make a Batman movie and throw out everything we know about Batman. Instead of a millionaire playboy we'll have him work as a bag boy at the grocery store. And instead of a batcave, he'll operate out of a Lady Footlocker store. And he'll be super happy all the time! And instead of beating up bad guys he'll throw glitter on them! And instead of a batmobile he'll ride a batsled pulled by puppies and kittens!!!!!!!".....That's how awful this script was. It was Wonder Woman in name only with no resemblance to the character. So, amazingly they passed making this a tv series. Maybe NBC realized that if you piss on the character this much that it ticks off the very audience (Wonder Woman Fans) who you were trying to get to watch it in the first place, then maybe that's not really a good idea for a long lasting show. But we're not out of the woods yet people. Since they passed on it, this means the pilot could still be shopped around to other networks and cable. Ugh! We can only hope they say no too. Or else they demand drastic changes. DC comics needs to grow a pair and take control over the number 1 most popular female superhero EVER, and make sure she is never trashed and pimped out like this again. Plenty of people want to see her back on tv again or in a feature film. So, maybe if the Green Lantern film does well, it can pave the way for a second shot for her. Until then, the real Wonder Woman can go back to reading and relaxing, and quietly waiting for her movie star close up.


DAVasquez1 said...

I agree that these Hollywood execs need to honor the double W. Here's hoping for a better script and costume for our heroine. Who knows, maybe Lynda Carter could do scenes as Queen Hippolyta.

Avenjer said...

Let's hope :)